The war in Yemen explained with art

It is time for artists to create resistance, to create art that breaks the media blockade of forgotten wars. Ahmed Jahaf , Yemen

Ahmed Jahaf, 28 years old, graphic designer, artist who inspired his artwork by the war and lives under bombardment & blockade in Sana’a the capital of Yemen

In 26 March 2015, a coalition of countries led by Saudi Arabia is bombing & imposing a blockade on Yemen with US/UK & EU supports, so i decided not to be incompetent and to do any work to break the media siege on Yemen, leaving commercial designs such as logos and motion graphics and started to design what was happening around me and using my artistic talent to garner publicity for the ongoing situation

I am inspired by children, by their words about the war and the fear in their eyes. So most of my artworks was concerned only with the suffering of children in war, I made images against the war because I wanted to show the world what’s happening in Yemen. I feel that pictures deliver the message to others faster, I designed more than 1000 arts & motion graphics since March until now. Art has become a talent for me because of the war, the fear, and the suffering. In my artworks there is only two words : “WAR & PEACE,” and I’m just trying to show the ugliness of war, this is what happens by war while the world is watching in silence. This is my way to to protest against the injustice of this forgotten war and for peace.”

My artworks also focuses on the countries who seals arms to Saudi Arabia like US and UK, the economic situation in Yemen, and the war on ISIS.
For more than 2 years & half on war on Yemen, too much pain but i still trying to be optimistic and i created some positive arts about the future of Yemen, whatever happens we will be optimistic and looking for peace & hope for our children. In any war peace must be in the end and i hope this will come very soon.
art in war, art in spite of war, art because of war o, art against war

Art is Resistance
For more artworks you can follow me on Twitter @a7medja7af

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